Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hurdles are for Jumping

Psalms 121:1 says: "I lift my eyes to the mountains– where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." That couldn't be truer; my help does come from the Lord. It comes from Him through the Bible. It comes through friends. It comes through teachers, mentors, and pastors. It comes through every blessing He gives. And especially, His help comes through my important, loving, and good-looking supporters.

I want to first say that my trip cost is more than expected. This is because the plane tickets from Portland to Florida and from Florida to Jamaica were more expensive than anticipated. (The cost is $2752, for the curious.) This may sound like another hurdle to clear, but I think it's another way for God to show his omnipotence. I say that because my beautiful supporters have raised just over 100% of my trip cost. Through God's power we've raised $2770. I'm so overjoyed and in awe of what's been done, and so I want to say thank you!

My trip leader explained Phillipians 3:12-14 when we met in November for a training weekend. That passage states how we are not to hold on to past successes or failures, but instead keep straining on to the goal of Christ. I still have many hurdles to clear, from forms and prepatory assignments to personal responsibilities like school, work, and my role in the youth group. Another hurdle yet to be cleared involves my friend Emily Myhre. While I have reached 100% of funds raised, she is still trying to raise funds. If you haven't and were planning to support me, you can perhaps support her and help her reach 100% support raised.

Once again thank you, and may God Bless you!

Your friend,
John Micah