Monday, April 20, 2015

After Jamaica: a Recap

Greetings, friends, supporters, and brothers and sisters in Christ!                                                    
            This year, I chose to spend my spring break in Jamaica. Thanks to your support, prayers and God's direction, that choice became a reality! Here's a brief overview of what we did and how God used us.
            Our time in Jamaica was preceded by a day of preparation at Minneola Alliance Church in Orlando where we practiced songs, shared testimonies, and reflected on/studied the Bible. We arrived at Montego Bay, Jamaica Sunday afternoon, and met the local missionary, Radcliffe Braham. A native Jamaican and the Awana missionary for all of Jamaica, he graciously coordinated our week ministering to six schools in the Santa Cruz area.
            At each school we did at least one 25-minute presentation. School was still in session in Jamaica, so we weren't able to offer a longer presentation or host a VBS. In total, we shared eight presentations. We performed a song with motions, acted out a pantomime, shared a testimony, and told a Bible story. The most exciting part of this for me was the pantomime. In our pantomime, we showed the creation of the world, the fall of man and need of a Savior, and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We acted this out without words alongside an instrumental soundtrack which fit perfectly with the scenes in our pantomime. My part was to play God and Jesus, and I loved showing these important roles in our skit.  
            Three of our schools were high schools, and at these it was difficult to present to such a large group of students. We estimated over 800 students at each of these presentations. I remember at Black River High School and St. Elizabeth Technical High School how the balconies and walkways were full of teenaged kids; many of these have never heard of Jesus despite the presence of evangelism there. It was very encouraging to hear a few students tell us they identified with the testimony shared. It was also encouraging to hear the vice principal of each school support and reiterate what we shared, which is something that sadly doesn't happen in American public schools.
            Besides the time spent at these schools, we were given time to visit the area, by touring Black River, visiting Negril, and going to a Fred Meyer-like Jamaican store. We attended a prayer meeting at the Missionary's church on Wednesday where we shared our testimonies. Our downtime was not lifeless, of course. We spent this time encouraging one another as we read the Bible and prayed with our daily prayer partners. I'm so thankful that the insights shared and discussions of First Thessalonians and Colossians strengthened the unity of our team. I wouldn't trade anything for the friends that we've become on this trip. Praise the Lord!
To see pictures from the trip of my team and the schools, go here.

-John Micah

Sunday, April 19, 2015

After Jamaica: Photos and Memories

On the left is the missionary, next to him is the
guidance counselor for the school, and the man
on the right is the vice principle of the school.
Having a Bible study at the launch family's home in Orlando
Our team and the host missionary at the high school on Thursday

Singing songs at St. Elmo's Prep school

The water of Black River perfectly clear,
but the bottom of the river is black!
Here I am giving a Bible story at Black River High School
Driving through Jamaica with the missionary

St. Elizabeth's Technical High School

Friday, March 20, 2015

And so it begins.

Hello friends, family, supporters, and brothers and sisters in Christ!

This past month has been quite eventful. Of course, I've been preparing for my trip to Jamaica, but also finishing college applications and handling school at PCC. Through all of it I'm so thankful for God's faithfulness. This was especially seen in the fundraising for this trip. Together, we raised more than $3700; the excess funds will support YMI and the missionaries it sends. Thank you!

As of this writing, I'm on a plane to Orlando, where I'll meet with my whole team as we prepare and launch the trip. We'll be heading to Jamaica on Sunday, departing at about 10 am Pacific time. It's preparation, not vacation. :)

Here's how you can pray for me:
There are nine people on the team: the leaders (a married couple), myself, and six others. Those six others happen to all be girls, which is going to make for a unique experience. I love meeting new people, but I'm very introverted, so long periods of time with people that I don't know, especially girls, can be draining. You can pray that I will get to know my teammates which will make the week more manageable, and also that I will maintain strength and sanity while being the only guy (besides the leader).

Here's how you can pray for the team:
As I mentioned in a previous post, our team is coming from many parts of the U.S., and we need unity, which is only possible through Christ. Pray that we will work together, amplifying each other's strengths and exercising humility in our actions. Pray that we will always be ready to do what our team leaders and the missionary need while being living representatives of 24/7 Jesus.

I won't be able to post here for the next week, but if you want updates you can go to
I appreciate all of you and am excited to see God work mightily!

John Micah
{be real, be ready}

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hurdles are for Jumping

Psalms 121:1 says: "I lift my eyes to the mountains– where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." That couldn't be truer; my help does come from the Lord. It comes from Him through the Bible. It comes through friends. It comes through teachers, mentors, and pastors. It comes through every blessing He gives. And especially, His help comes through my important, loving, and good-looking supporters.

I want to first say that my trip cost is more than expected. This is because the plane tickets from Portland to Florida and from Florida to Jamaica were more expensive than anticipated. (The cost is $2752, for the curious.) This may sound like another hurdle to clear, but I think it's another way for God to show his omnipotence. I say that because my beautiful supporters have raised just over 100% of my trip cost. Through God's power we've raised $2770. I'm so overjoyed and in awe of what's been done, and so I want to say thank you!

My trip leader explained Phillipians 3:12-14 when we met in November for a training weekend. That passage states how we are not to hold on to past successes or failures, but instead keep straining on to the goal of Christ. I still have many hurdles to clear, from forms and prepatory assignments to personal responsibilities like school, work, and my role in the youth group. Another hurdle yet to be cleared involves my friend Emily Myhre. While I have reached 100% of funds raised, she is still trying to raise funds. If you haven't and were planning to support me, you can perhaps support her and help her reach 100% support raised.

Once again thank you, and may God Bless you!

Your friend,
John Micah