Friday, March 20, 2015

And so it begins.

Hello friends, family, supporters, and brothers and sisters in Christ!

This past month has been quite eventful. Of course, I've been preparing for my trip to Jamaica, but also finishing college applications and handling school at PCC. Through all of it I'm so thankful for God's faithfulness. This was especially seen in the fundraising for this trip. Together, we raised more than $3700; the excess funds will support YMI and the missionaries it sends. Thank you!

As of this writing, I'm on a plane to Orlando, where I'll meet with my whole team as we prepare and launch the trip. We'll be heading to Jamaica on Sunday, departing at about 10 am Pacific time. It's preparation, not vacation. :)

Here's how you can pray for me:
There are nine people on the team: the leaders (a married couple), myself, and six others. Those six others happen to all be girls, which is going to make for a unique experience. I love meeting new people, but I'm very introverted, so long periods of time with people that I don't know, especially girls, can be draining. You can pray that I will get to know my teammates which will make the week more manageable, and also that I will maintain strength and sanity while being the only guy (besides the leader).

Here's how you can pray for the team:
As I mentioned in a previous post, our team is coming from many parts of the U.S., and we need unity, which is only possible through Christ. Pray that we will work together, amplifying each other's strengths and exercising humility in our actions. Pray that we will always be ready to do what our team leaders and the missionary need while being living representatives of 24/7 Jesus.

I won't be able to post here for the next week, but if you want updates you can go to
I appreciate all of you and am excited to see God work mightily!

John Micah
{be real, be ready}

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